Examples of Powerlessness In Sobriety List Ambrosia Behavioral Health

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Few people intend to destroy their lives and relationships by drinking or doing drugs, but that is what can happen with addiction. These substances literally rewire brain function, making the need to satisfy a craving take prominence over everything else in life–regardless powerless over alcohol of the consequences. One of the most significant benefits of embracing powerlessness in sobriety is finding freedom and inner peace. When we let go of the illusion of control, we free ourselves from the constant struggle to manipulate and manage every aspect of our lives.

Admitting Powerlessness Is a Form of Strength

why i am powerless over alcohol

We now know that the basis of such powerlessness lies in a person’s addicted brain far more than in their character or circumstances. For reasons that are largely genetically determined, some people’s brains are more easily hijacked by addictive substances. By hijacked, I mean the brain’s reward center more quickly focuses on alcohol and other drugs as https://ecosoberhouse.com/ the primary source of pleasure. The drug of choice depends on one’s personality, friends, and substances available. Because the journey to sobriety is full of forward steps and backward ones, it may be necessary for some people to return to this step multiple times. The path to recovery is rarely a straight line, but a series of twists and turns.

Seeking Support from Others

Recognizing and embracing powerlessness allows individuals to let go of the burden of trying to control something that is ultimately beyond their grasp. It frees up mental and emotional energy that can be redirected towards seeking support, developing healthier coping mechanisms, and making positive changes in their lives. Contrary to the perception that powerlessness implies weakness, embracing powerlessness in sobriety can actually be a source of strength. It takes courage and self-awareness to confront the reality of addiction and acknowledge the need for help. By accepting powerlessness, individuals open themselves up to the possibility of transformation and growth.

Reclaim Your Life. You Don’t Have to Stay Powerless Over Alcohol.

Engaging in spiritual practices, such as prayer, meditation, or journaling, can deepen the connection with a higher power and provide a source of guidance and support. It’s important to note that the concept of a higher power is highly individual and can take various forms. Each person’s spiritual journey is unique, and finding what brings meaning and strength is a personal exploration. The idea of being powerless is shockingly unacceptable for most people, but it is important to realize that the first step is not saying we are globally powerless. We all have the power to guide our lives in a variety of essential ways. We have the power to change jobs when we wish, live where we wish, marry, stay single, worship as we please, or not.

List of Examples of Powerlessness in Sobriety

why i am powerless over alcohol

Acknowledging your powerlessness is liberating because it helps you realize the things you are powerless over so you can devote your energy to your actions–the things you can control. You may be powerless over addiction, but you aren’t powerless, period. Once you realize what you can and cannot change, you’re actually quite powerful. Our body (and brain) inherently seek self-preservation; we recoil from pain, avoid things we view as dangerous and feel good when engaging in activities that are healthy like exercising or eating vegetables. To think that we are of sound mind when we repeatedly engage in habits like drug use that so quickly destroy us from the inside out is nothing short of delusional–a result of drugs having hijacked our thinking.

  • Admitting that you are powerlessness over alcohol means that you cannot and never will be able to drink alcohol in a safe manner again.
  • In recovery, we learn that it takes far more strength to surrender and admit powerlessness than it does to try to control addiction by ourselves.
  • Ms. Honer, who has been in long-term recovery for over 40 years, has worked in the treatment field for over 33 years.
  • Drinking triggers are situations that make us feel the urge to drink.

Accepting Limitations and Vulnerability

  • This cycle of lies and keeping secrets can go on for years, and that in itself can create an atmosphere that actually causes the situation to deteriorate faster.
  • We have the power to change jobs when we wish, live where we wish, marry, stay single, worship as we please, or not.
  • But we are getting off track, step one actually has two different parts that I needed to realize.
  • Throughout his tenure at The Freedom Center, he has strategically built relationship with referring providers, hospitals and local government leaders.
  • Being a person in long term recovery, Erin wanted to give back and help those struggling with the disease of addiction.

The 12-step road to recovery can appear pretty intimidating to someone who is just starting out, but solutions exist. The concept of powerlessness can seem quite foreign, especially to those from countries like America whose culture idolizes independence and raising one’s self by their bootstraps. But powerlessness is not the same thing as weakness; it isn’t something to be feared or despised. It also is not a lack of agency that implies we are helpless when it comes to choosing between right and wrong.

  • By recognizing the benefits of embracing powerlessness in sobriety, we can shift our perspective and approach our recovery journey with a newfound sense of openness and receptivity.
  • For reasons that are largely genetically determined, some people’s brains are more easily hijacked by addictive substances.
  • Her primary focus is to provide all clients with a safe, structured environment while coordinating their care.
  • Recovery is possible, and healing can transform your mind, body, and spirit.

Thinking About Treatment?

why i am powerless over alcohol

Premier Addiction Treatment Center

why i am powerless over alcohol

Addictions Counselor

  • As the Medical Director, Mark works with the staff to coordinate the appropriate level of care for each individual client.
  • Through building resilience and humility, developing trust and surrender, and finding freedom and inner peace, we can cultivate a more fulfilling and transformative recovery experience.
  • Our mission is to provide the most cost-effective, accessible treatment for substance use disorder to as many patients as possible.

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